Design Your Life!

What is this?

“Design Your Life” is a self-exploration class that uses the Design Thinking process to provide a set of tools and guidelines that will help you make decisions for a better life.

All class participants are paired up, so you have an "ally" with you for the whole 4-week duration, or even for life!

We have devided life into 4 sections: Love, Work, Play, and Health!


"Are you looking for balance in your life?"

"Are you ready to change chapters in your life?"

"Are you uncertain about your next steps?"

"Do you want to find your purpose?"

"Have you feel like it has been too long since you last touched base with yourself and goals?"

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions... This course is for you!

What if you are a student, graduate, professional, retiree, none of the above... you are welcome to "play" with us!

(From left to right)

Georgina and Tatiana

Meet your instructors!

The Twins, Georgina and Tatiana Fakoukaki, have been actively practicing Design Thinking for 5 years now and have previously collaborated with Silicon Valley institutes like IDEO and the Stanford

They were born and raised in Athens, Greece, until the age of 14 when they moved to California. They are co-founders of CDTIE and spent the past year in Puerto Rico, immersing themselves and growing the vision. They now have their own Design Thinking Consultancy "MIND.T Think-Innovate-Design" which has been mainly based in Greece, and is slowly branching out to the rest of the world. Dance, music, theater, books, and travelling are just some of the things Tatiana and Georgina love.

General Friday Agenda

  1. Mentorship: Ally Time! Catch up and get to know your ally better, through activities. You are each other's mentor; express how you feel and make sure you are both mentally ready to be present!

  2. Stoke: This is an activity we do all together! Get to hear voices from people you have not yet met and participate in activities set up to pump us up or get us mentally prepared for the step that follows.

  3. Quests, Videos, Individual & Group Activities

  4. "Kaloperasi Log" (reflection - kaloperasi= "to have a good time" in Greek)

  • Time: 1.5 hours every Friday (12:00 PM - 1:30 PM AST) & at least 1 additional hour per week

  • Duration: 4 weeks

  • Instructors: Georgina & Tatiana Fakoukaki (plus guest speakers & coaches)

  • Language: Lecture in English. Course material provided in English and Spanish